



Investment Objectives

The objective of the FUND is the appreciation of its shares in the long term, through asset allocation in a diversified portfolio of equity investments. The main risk is the variation in the price of the stocks that are negotiated in the stock exchange or in organized over the counter markets. These operations are subject to legal and bylaw limitations.

Investment Policy

The FUND’s objective is to seek the medium and long term appreciation of its shares. The main risk is the price fluctuation of assets being traded on the stock exchange or in organized over the counter markets. We run this risk when investing in companies that the ADMINISTRATOR believes to have the potential for a good return. This is subject to the limitations set forth by the bylaws of the fund and current regulation. The FUND will be able to make foreign investments, and those are also subject to the limits and restrictions of the bylaws and current regulation.

Prospective Clients

The FUND is destined, exclusively, to qualified investors, (legal concept defined by the CVM) making a minimum initial investment of R$ 1.000.000 (one million reais), on the terms of the 110-B article of CVM’s 409th Instruction (altered by ICVM 409) from August 18th, 2004.

Risk Profile

The ADMINISTRATOR’S risk assessment is present throughout the whole decision-making process. The risk of a particular asset is not determined numerically, through the precise definition of the variance of return around the average. It is incorporated throughout the fundamental analysis process. In regards to measuring the portfolio risk, the method used is mainly bottom-up, emphasizing the risk of each asset. Additionally, the ADMINISTRATOR also considers issues like the diversification of subjacent sectors and its implications on the portfolio’s concentration.


Technical Information

Minimum investment: R$1.000.000,00

Minimum Additional Investment and Redemption: Observado o limite mínimo de investimento, não há limites mínimos para movimentações subsequentes ou saldo de permanência no FUNDO.

Management Fee: 1.5% per year

Performance fee: 20% of what exceeds of IPCA + * IMAB. * See detailed description in regulation.


Income Tax: 15% of the nominal gain for Brazilian taxed investors and 10% for foreign investors incorporated in a non-tax heavens.

Auditor: PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers

Administrator: Dynamo Administração de Recursos Ltda

Manager: Dynamo Administração de Recursos Ltda

Anbima Category: Free Shares.

Inception date 03/11/2004

Documents (only in Portuguese)


Política de Voto

Manual de Precificação Bradesco

Demonstração de Desempenho (Anexo IV-Item 3)

Demonstração Financeira - Set 2024