

Investment Objectives

The objective of the FUND is to provide its shareholders with an appreciation of their shares, investing, through the management of securities, directly or indirectly, including through vehicles constituted in Brazil or other jurisdictions, in a diversified portfolio of investments of different risks and characteristics, without commitment to concentrations in a risk factor in particular, subject to the legal and regulatory limitations in force and the investment policy defined in the By-law.

Investment Policy

The FUND will invest, directly or indirectly, including through the management of securities, directly or indirectly, including through vehicles constituted in Brazil or other jurisdictions, in a diversified portfolio of investments of different risks and characteristics, without commitment to concentrations in a risk factor in particular, subject to the legal and regulatory limitations in force and the investment policy defined in the By-law. The Fund may carry out short-selling positions and it will be able to invest using the derivatives market with no limitations of the PORTFOLIO’S exposure or leverage. There are no limitations to investments in foreign financial assets, as stated in the Fund’s bylaws.

Prospective Clients

The FUND is destined, exclusively, to a group of partners, administrators, employees, or first-degree relatives of Administrator’s partners and/or of Administrator’s related companies or under common control or in any way belonging to the same economic group (“Dynamo Companies”), as well as funds and/or investment vehicles which owns, at least, 75% of their shares held by the Administrator’s partners or Dynamo Companies’ partners, being professional investors, a category defined by CVM’s bylaws.

Risk Profile

The FUND’s portfolio is subject to market fluctuations, credit risks, risks related to exchange rates and liquidity, as well as risks related to variations in asset and securities prices. Those risks could get in the way of fulfilling the investment objectives described by the bylaws and they could cause a net worth loss for the FUND or the FUND’s investors, as well as a negative NAV. For further information on all the risks of being an investor in the FUND, please read the bylaws, using the link on the right side of the page.

Technical Information

Minimum investment: R$50.000,00

Minimum Additional Investment and Redemption: R$25.000,00

Investment NAV: Last business day of each month. (The subscription proceeds shall be sent to the fund´s account up to one day prior to the NAV Date.)

Redemption Conditions: Redemptions will be converted using the NAV of the last day of each month. Requests for withdrawals should be sent to the manager until the last business day immediately preceding that in which the respective redemption will be converted. The financial settlement of the withdrawal will occur 5 business days after the conversion (T+5).

Lock-up period: None.

Management Fee: 0,30% per year


Adjustment of Performance Fee: None.

Income Tax: Regressive rates from 22,5% to 15% of nominal gain according to the investment date.

Auditor: KPMG Auditores Independentes

Administrator: Dynamo Administração de Recursos Ltda.

Manager: Dynamo Administração de Recursos Ltda.

Inception date 30/11/2021

Documents (only in Portuguese)


Manual de Precificação Bradesco

Política de Voto

Demonstração de Desempenho (Anexo IV-Item 3)

Demonstrações Financeiras

Convocação AGO DHF FIM 18.10.2024

Resumo das Deliberações - AGO - DHF FIM - 20241018