

Investment Objectives

The objective of the FUND is to provide its shareholders with an appreciation of their shares over the long term, investing at least 95% of its net asset in shares of DYNAMO COUGAR MASTER FUNDO DE INVESTIMENTO EM AÇÕES (“MASTER FUND”), which is also managed by Dynamo, subject to the prevailing legal and regulatory restrictions.

Investment Policy

The FUND will invest, up to 100% of its net assets in shares of the MASTER FUND. The MASTER FUND adopts exclusively, as an investment philosophy for managing stocks, a fundamental-based analysis, seeking, through an active attitude towards the companies, consistent medium and long term results with low volatility and little concern for immediate liquidity.

Prospective Clients

The FUND is destined, exclusively to a group of qualified investors (a category defined by CVM’s bylaws). More details can be found in the Fund’s bylaws.

Risk Profile

Due to the high concentration of the FUND’s investments in shares of the MASTER FUND, the risks of the FUND are, predominantly, the same as the MASTER FUND. In regard to the MASTER FUND’s portfolio risk, the method used is mainly bottom-up, emphasizing the risk of each asset. Additionally, the ADMINISTRATOR also considers issues like the diversification of subjacent sectors and its implications on the portfolio’s concentration.

Technical Information

Minimum investment: R$ 300.000,00

Minimum Additional Investment and Redemption: R$ 20.000,00

Investment NAV: The subscription will be converted using the NAV of the next business day following the date of the investment (T+1).

Redemption Conditions: The withdrawal will be converted using the share value of the thirtieth business day following the “Withdrawal request” (T+30), or, if the thirtieth day was a non-business day, it will be converted on the next business day following the thirtieth day. The financial settlement of the withdrawal will occur 2 business days after the conversion (T+2).

Management Fee: 1,50% per year + 0,10%

Performance Fee: 20 % of what exceeds IPCA + IMAB*
(please refer to the by-laws for a more detailed explanation).

Adjustment of Performance Fee: It will be charged upon redemption an adjustment of performance, provided that the conditions of the specific fund rules.

Income Tax: 15% of the nominal gain for Brazilian taxed investors and 10% for foreign investors incorporated in a non-tax heavens.

Auditor: PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers

Administrator: Dynamo Administração de Recursos Ltda

Manager: Dynamo Administração de Recursos Ltda

Inception date 29/12/2008

Documents (only in Portuguese)


Política de Voto

Manual de Precificação Bradesco

Demonstração de Desempenho (Anexo IV-Item 3)

Demonstrações Financeiras