Transparency in management is a highly cultivated asset in Dynamo. Besides the usual channels of communication with our investors, we usually write - since Dynamo Cougar inception – the Dynamo Report.
The Dynamo Report is a quarterly newsletter that seeks to critically analyze relevant issues of today's capital markets, and also presents our performance during the relevant period, highlighting the most significant events related to our investments.
Below you can download (PDF file) the last Dynamo reports available. To ensure receipt of future publications, please register on the Mailing menu.
Passive Purposes
Continues the theme of our last Report, narrating the journey of passive investments
Particles and Purposes
About systematic investment strategies and how they impact our day by day as long-term value investors.
Negative Externalities and Their Discontents
In light of advances in the environmental agenda, discusses reforms in the governance regime and considers shareholders´ role and engagement.
Intentions and Gestures
Examines corporate documents and shareholders´ discussions in a sample of global companies exposed to the energy transition theme.
CEOs: The Floor is Yours II
Continues the interviews with CEOs, started in the last Report.
CEOs: The Floor is Yours I
On the occasion of Dynamo's thirty years, instead of speaking ourselves, we preferred to give voice to the CEOs of some companies we invest in.
Our Synthesis: a Photo
Still on the topic of climate, presents a few notes from a conference on carbon capture and comments on the opportunities for “nature-based solutions” in our country.
The Other Complexity
Suggests an alternative approach to managing complexity in companies.
Dispersed Ownership and Control Revisited (II)
Resumes the subject of the previous Report updating the situation of the control and concentrated ownership regime.
Dispersed Ownership and Control Revisited (I)
Considers corporate governance issues under the regime of dispersed ownership
Climate: The Price of Conquest
Discusses carbon prices and carbon markets: their importance and implications
In Company with the Forest
Resumes and concludes the narrative of our investment in Suzano.
The Nature of the Tree
Narrates Suzano´s journey, from the entrepreneurship of the beginnings to the current possibilities of its platform of technological innovations.
Addresses the consequences of recent transformations in different dimensions of companies' ecosystem.
Contours of Growth
Still on the subject of growth, looks for inspiration in other disciplines, presents the pattern of expansion of companies in the traditional environment and describes how digital companies try to overcome it. It ends by commenting on the importance of sustainable growth for the long-term investor
Paths of Growth
Revisits theoretical contributions and empirical discussions on the theme of company growth, discussing its determinants and strategic alternatives
Thoughts on Digital Transformation
Describes the main elements of the companies' IT configurations, analyzing dilemmas, challenges, impacts and opportunities in their course of digital transformation.
The Order and Disorder of Merit
Reflections on meritocracy, its journey and current dilemmas