
Sendo a análise fundamentalista a base exclusiva de nossa filosofia de gestão, o estudo é, para a Dynamo, ferramenta essencial e cotidiana.

Referências Bibliográficas Carta Dynamo 121 e 122

Companies mentioned: BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Enel, Engie, ENI, E.ON, Equinor, Exxon Mobil, Iberdrola, Marathon, Occidental Petroleum, Phillips 66, Repsol, Saudi Aramco, Shell, Total Energies, Valero Documents: Articles of Association Bylaws Proxy Statements and Votings Specific Documents on Energy Transition BP (2023, 2024) From IOC to IEC; Net Zero Ambition: Progress Update Chevron (2023) Advancing Energy Progress: Climate Change Resilience Report ConocoPhillips (2022-2023) Plan for the Net-Zero Energy Transition: Progress Report Enel (2022, 2023) Zero Emission Ambition; Sustainability Report Engie (2022, 2023, 2024) Integrated Reports; Climate Reports ENI (2023) For A Just Transition E.ON (2023) Integrated Annual Report: It´s on us Equinor 2022, 2023) Energy Transition Plan; The Equinor Book; Integrated Annual Report Exxon Mobil (2024) Advancing Climate Solutions Iberdrola (2023) Sustainability Report; Purposes and Values of the Iberdrola Group Marathon (2023) Perspectives on Climate-Relate Scenarios: Risk and Opportunities Occidental (2023) Climate Report: Leading the Way in Carbon Management Phillips 66 (2024) Sustainability and People Report Repsol (2023, 2024) Integrated Management Report; Global Sustainability Plan Saudi Aramco (2022) Investing in Growth, Innovating for Sustainability Shell (2021, 2024) Energy Transition Strategy; Energy Transition Progress Report Total Energies (2022, 2023) Company Strategy; Sustainability & Climate – Progress Report Valero (2023) ESG Report Other Papers, Reports and Books: Bebchuk, L., Kastiel, K., Tallarita, R. 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